Footstool Earthmoving has been involved in several large construction projects as a subcontractor, and as project designer and principal contractor on many smaller projects. We specialise in heavy and light elevating scraper operation, so we have the flexibility to be the sole machine on waterway, dam and road construction, and to provide the haulage muscle some jobs require for companies already owning watertrucks, graders, excavators, dump trucks, and bulldozers, who do not wish to take on the many difficulties in owning and servicing elevating scrapers, but know the specific cost savings scrapers bring to certain tasks.
Keepit Dam Upgrade 2009-2011:
For John Holland -
Subcontracting 11 yard Wabco 101G elevating scraper for site establishment, haul road construction, Concrete Batch Plant site levelling, and excavation of Small saddle dam near Caravan Park. Duration 3 months
Subcontracting 36 yard Wabco 353FT elevating scraper for Coffer Dam construction, including topsoil strip and stockpile, base excavation and stockpile, core trench rock excavation, Wall construction from stockpiles, 2.5km Bypass road topsoil strip and stockpile, road base rock excavation from Wall Apron laid into roadbase, and loading and stockpiling the gravel sides of the Sub Wall during removal for re-construction. Duration 6 months
For Quirindi SOIL Conservation Service:
Subcontracting 11 yard Wabco 101G elevating scraper for South and North Connector road topsoil strip and stockpile, and road base excavation and stockpile.

Booloocooroo and Bush's Lane subdivisions subcontractor for Mackellar Excavations with Wabco 101G scraper, topsoil strip and stockpile, road base excavation and stockpile.